Handshake Blockchain Domains

Blockchain Domains

The handshake (HNS) blockchain is a decentralized naming and certificate authority.

Top-level domains (TLD) like .techno are rooted in the handshake blockchain.

Various legacy domain registrars chose to sell handshake based second-level domains (SLD) for handshake based TLDs (like acid.techno).
The world’s second largest domain registrar namecheap.com is already selling handshake domains.

Blockchain domains are the future.

Blockchain vs .com

Traditional domains rely on centralized actors, who have full control of the system. These systems are prone to hacking, censorship, corruption and government intervention.

Handshake based blockchain domains provide the backbone of a new decentralized internet.

While Handshake domains are fundamentally different from a software perspective, they can act like traditional domains. Various browsers resolve our domains with more to come.


Extensions explained




Our blockchain domains are hosted on Handshake, which is a decentralized peer to peer network acting as a censorship resistant domain naming system (DNS). Handshake’s website offers the technical specifications regarding the project.


Namecheap.com is the second largest domain seller and marketplace in the world. Namecheap started selling Handshake based domains in 2022 and own several popular TLDs issued on the network. Their knowledge base is a good resource if you are looking to buy or learn about Handshake domains.


TheShake is a website that lists every important resource regarding the Handshake network. Here you also have the opportunity to learn about the creation of Handshake based Top Level Domains (TLDs) and how to issue your own Sub Level Domains (SLDs).


LearnHNS is one of the most well-rounded knowledge base for everyone related to the Handshake network. It covers all the basics from DNS vs HNS to how Handshake auctions work. This is probably the best place to start if your aim is to truly understand Handshake as a building block of the net internet.

What is Handshake and how to resolve domains?